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Easter Camp
CHG Organizers
Children Worship Service

Our Mission​

The Carolinas Hungarian Group is a non-profit group that

serves the mission of preserving, teaching and supporting

the Hungarian culture and heritage.

Who are we?

Our membership consists of Hungarians and Hungarian-Americans who are interested in the Hungarian language and culture. All ages and levels of proficiency are welcome! While most of our members are from North and South Carolina, we also welcome people from other states. 

What do we do?

To fulfill our mission, we organize a wide variety of event ranging from large scale gatherings (like our two popular weekend-long family camps at Easter and Thanksgiving) to smaller meetings where we commemorate historic events, cultivate traditional arts and crafts, or simply drink coffee and talk... just to name a few. We celebrate Hungarian national and religious  holidays, frequently combined with a Hungarian sermon in collaboration with the Carolina Hungarian Church.

Media appearance - Carolinas Hungarian Group in MagyarBusiness Podcast


We participate in regional international festivals representing Hungary. 

Family Camps

We organize  weekend-long camps with 200+ participants, for example our annual Easter Camp in the mountains or our Thanksgiving Camp at the beach.


We gather for  seasonal, commemorative meetings, casual, friendly occasions,  or simply to hike, cook, or dance together.


We work in close collaboration with the Carolinas Hungarian Church. to provide worship opportunities to our members. 

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